Re: [tied] *g'(h)- > d as aberrant outcome

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 32518
Date: 2004-05-09

Hello Piotr,

> No. If you go back to my earlier postings on Albanian fricatives,
> find that Alb. sh developed from *s in post-Roman times.

Yes I know, but this means also before ( or latest during) the
first Slavic Loans ...because during the Slavic loans we have s->s
both in Romanian or Albanian.

So we are here even before Alb . s->sh have been started, that
means somewhere before 600 AC.
This means that the Romanian loan (if it is a loan) has to be
borrowed before this date. (and it could be just before but more
probable long before...for this reason the substratual theory fit
better in my opinion).

The second issue that you have is to explain next today Alb. G' for
Romanian 'ghe' (knowing that we are somewhere before 600AC).

A proto-form that we know for that period is:
Proto *gl - Rom. gl' (later Rom. ghe) - Alb. gj

But you didn't indicate a proto-form *gl...

On the other hand, a proto-form : *g'e would give toRom. ge (g^e)
(see Latin Words)

So trying to locate in time an Albanian G' for a Romanian 'ghe'
both of them not derived from a proto-form *gl seems difficult to be
done in Roman Times...

Once again more probable we arrive earlier...

Best Regards,
marius alexandru

--- In, Piotr Gasiorowski
<piotr.gasiorowski@...> wrote:
> 09-05-2004 18:09, alexandru_mg3 wrote:
> > Hello Piotr,
> > You said :
> >
> >
> >>If that's right, the word was borrowed when the Albanian reflex
> >
> > *j- was
> >
> >>something like *G'-.
> >>
> >
> >
> > If that's right this had to be in Roman Times (if not earlier)
> > because we have here for Alb. sh for Rom. s.
> No. If you go back to my earlier postings on Albanian fricatives,
> find that Alb. sh developed from *s in post-Roman times.
> Piotr