Richard's Romanian sound changer

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 30708
Date: 2004-02-05

I've tested Richard's Romanian Sound Change Applier against (most of) the
examples given in Bourciez.

The remaining problems that I found are (some belong in several catgories
at once):

1) unstressed vowels

pedica > piedicã not piedecã
pectinem > pieptine not pieptene
ra:dici:na > rãdãcinã not rãdecina
blasphe:ma:re > blestema not blãsfemare
veci:num > vecin not vãcin
feli:cem > ferice not fãrice
petiolus > picior not pãcior
berbica:rius > berbecar not bãrbecar
lendina > lindinã not lindenã
titio:nem > tãciune not teciune
anellum > inel not îniel
fenestra > fereastrã not fãniastrã

[This is going to be hard to fix, because the rules are not easy to
extract. In verbal forms, the quality of the stressed vowel is also
*pe:ti:re > petzi not pãtzire
vena:re > vâna(re) not vãnare
vide:re > vedea/vedere not vãdere

2) v ~ b ~ 0
pulverem > pulbere not pulvere
hi:berna > iarnã not jbiarnã
caballum > cal not cãbal
cervum > cerb not cerv
clavem > cheie not cheve
vi:va > vie not vivã
scri:bo: > scriu not scrib
deus > zeu not ze
reus > rãu not re
ri:vus > râu not râv
cavito: > caut not cavet
grevum > greu not grev
civita:tem > cetate not cevetate
habe:re > avea/avere not abere
novem > nouã not noave
lava:re > la(re) nor lãvare

3) l^
léporem > iepure not liepure
folia > foaie not foale
galli:na > gãinã not gãlinã
fi:lium > fiu not fili
mulie:rem > muiere not mulere
li:num > in not lin
li:cia > itze not litzã
li:berta:re > ierta not libertare

4) -ia(-)
cere:sia > cirea$ã not cerease
area > arie not are
auricla > urechie not aureache
vi:nea > vie not viie
urceolum > ulciór not urcéur
fascia > fa$e not fa$ã

5) by > yb
habeat > aibã not abe
robeum > roib not rob
cubium > cuib not cub

6) final -u after Cl/Cr/V
nigrum > negru not negr
duplum > duplu not dupl
oclum > ochiu not ochi
coliculum > curechiu not curechi

7) -br- > -wr-
fabrum > faur not fabr

8) x > s/$
maxilla > mãsea not mãp$ea
lixi:va > le$ie not lep$ivã

10) st
sci:re > $ti not $tzi
ste:lla > stea not $tea
investi:re > înve$ti(re) not înve$tzire

x) others
me:a > mea not ma
gu:- > gu- not b-
conventum > cuvînt not cunvînt
no:s > noi not no
vo:s > voi not vo
occi:dere > ucide not uccide(re) [kc not simplified]
matteu:ca > mãciucã not mãtciucã
ia:cit > zace not jace
deorsum > jos not giors
squama > scamã not spamã
mergere > merge not mierge [?]
mer(u)la > mierlã not miarlã [?]

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal