Re: [tied] Re: Late Proto Albanian *3 /dz/ = Early Proto Romanian

From: alex
Message: 30606
Date: 2004-02-03

alexandru_mg3 wrote:
> Proposed Latin Roots :
> Romanian DEX : eradicare
> Meyer-Lubcke : ridica "arac"
> Cioranescu : ridicare 'a lega via'
> Graur,Candrea : eradicare 'a smulge din radacini'
> Nobody proposed a Latin Root with /de/ ...for romanian 'a ridica'
> (earlier form 'r~adica' )
> Best Regards,
> marius

Marius, take a look at the vocalsim in Romanian please. Miguel posted them
once and you will have to know that Latin "i" > "e" in Rom and just Latin
"i:" remained "i", thus all the etymons proposed here, if they do not have
long "i" could not give any "di".
the problem is that the ProtoBalkanoRomance "e" ( from an Latin "i", "e:",
"oe:") become again "i" just wen influenced by nasals.
It seems no one of them are working.
