Re: [tied] Genetic Link between Albanian and Romanian

From: m_iacomi
Message: 30554
Date: 2004-02-03

--- In, Piotr Gasiorowski wrote:

> 03-02-04 03:02, Abdullah Konushevci wrote:
>> First of all, I think that were much bigger authorities in
>> Albanology, like Gustav Meyer, Norbert Jokl, Holger Pedersen, Paul
>> Kretschmer, Eqrem Çabej, Carlo Tagliavini, Waclaw Cimochowski,
>> Radoslav Katicich, Shaban Demiraj, Eric Hamp - all proclaimed
>> linguists and albanologists in the world, that backed up the
>> origin of Albanian language from Illyrian,
> [...]
> First, it isn't true that all of the above great linguists support
> the Illyrian hypothesis. Jokl and Cimochowski do so with some
> reservations; Hamp refrains from speculating about Illyrian and
> is more or less agnostic about the whole question, while Weigand
> connects Albanian with Thracian and Dacian.

Just for fun, let's quote from C. Tagliavini's "Le origini delle
lingue neolatine":
"In Southern part of Illyria, in a region roughly corresponding
to ancient Dardania, an Indo-European people, maybe [!] a mixture
of Illyrians and Thracians [!], was about to be linguistically
Romanized. It's Albanian people.
While the craddle of Albanian language is highly uncertain, all
researchers agree nowdays to assert it to a region North of today
Albania and far enough from the sea; the presence of a large number
of Latin elements and of a reduced number of ancient Greek elements
makes us think, anyway, to a region North of Jirecek line. [...]".
Not quite the same, eh?! :-)
Also E. Hamp, even in a review article available also online, is
far from being so decisive, describing the issue as "the troublesome
and inconclusive question of Illyrian and Thracian, and their
possible relation to Albanian" and ends out with "Clearly, the whole
question remains completely open".

> Secondly, in science it's sound argumentation that matters, not
> "bigger authorities".

Agreed; moreover, some of those "auctoritae" were not so keen to
an unconditional support of exclusive Illyrian descent. I think
this is still a fairly undecidable issue since information is low.

Marius Iacomi