Re: [tied] Re: Against the theory of 'Albanian Loans in Romanian'

From: alex
Message: 30294
Date: 2004-01-29

Richard Wordingham wrote:
> Why didn't the vowel of _$terge_ break to yield something like
> *$targe (my implementation of the rules gives *$tzarge, but that
> doesn't seem at all right).
> Why do we have _stinge_ 'extinguish' instead of *Stinge? Is it a
> recent loan?
> Richard.

No. " a stinge" is given as developing streight from Latin "stingere".
Maybe are right some opinions about different period of times which Latin
words entered the Rom. lang., thus this is why we have such differences.
For your information it appears probable that Latin "st/+" yelded simply "S"
in Rom:

ustia > uS� (door)
pastionis > p�Sune ( place for pasture)

For the last example it appears there is no trouble of the verb "a paSuna"
versus "a paSte" which means both almost the same.Why no contradiction?
Because "a paSuna" it appears to be a interne derivative from " paSune".
