(proposal) rom. brad -> PIE *bhreg^-2 (Pok. pg.166)

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 29969
Date: 2004-01-24

I propose :

PIE Dacian Romanian
PIE *bhreg^-2 ->*bhreg'->(e:->a;g'->3)*bra3 ->(-3.->-d.;3-->z-) brad
(pl. brazi)

bhreg^-2 has as an aprox. meaning : 'to stand up very rigid' that
fit well in my opinion the idea of 'brad' ('fir-tree')

1. This means also that in romanian : -3. ('-dz') -> -d.('d')
(at the end of the words) as an exception to the main rule :
3- ('dz-') -> z- ('z')

2. There is also another rule in Romanian (or already in Dacian?):
3 ('dz') -> 3^ ('gi') -> that is not applicable here

3. Example for the (used) Dacian Rules :
g' -> 3 ( ex: dac. 3ermisara - in 'Germisara'/'Zermisara'
e: -> a ( ex: dac. -dava )

4. The derivation fit also albanian word : 'bredh'

PIE Dacian Albanian
PIE *bhreg^-2 ->*bhreg'->(e:->a;g'->3)*bra3 ->(3 'dz' ->D 'dh') bredh

4.a I cannot explained the last 'e' (of 'bredh') in Albanian from
a previous 'a' (of bra3). Any help, with other examples here?

4.b. I am not fully convince that Albanian derives from Dacian,
but I will check this assumption until the first contradiction will

5. I attached here, for further checks, Pokorny root lemma
bhreg^-2 (see below).

Best Regards,
marius alexandru

Annexe :
Root / lemma: bhreg^-2

English meaning: to stick (?)

German meaning: `steif emporstehen'

Comments: Erw. von bher- `emporstehen, Kante, Borste' usw., sucht
Persson Beitr. 22 f. A. 2 in:

Material: Ai. bhraj- `Steifheit (des Gliedes), rigor(?)'; isl. norw.
brok `steifes Gras, Borstengras'; ganz fragwµrdig auch in aisl.
bo§rkr (*bhorg^u-s), mnd. borke, nhd. (eig. ndd.) Borke `rauhe, „u­ere
Rinde' (von der Rauhkantigkeit? „hnlich sei gr. for…¯nh `harte, rauhe
Haut, bes. Schweineschwarte' zur unerw. Wz. bher- zu stellen).
Eine analoge g-Erw. von einer i-Basis bhrei- k£nnte allenfalls
vorliegen in norw. brikja `hoch emporragen, prangen, gl„nzen', brik
`eine gro­e, den Kopf hoch tragende Frau', briken `frisch, lebhaft;
pr„chtig, gl„nzend, angenehm', brikna `Herrlichkeit, Glanz, Freude'
(Wood KZ. 45, 66), wenn nicht etwa `gl„nzen, hervorleuchten' die
Grundlage dieser Bedd. ist.

Ein bhrŒi-k- vermutlich in gr. fr…¯x, -kÒj `das Schauern,
Aufschaudern, Starren', fr…¯ssw, -ttw, pšfri¯ka `emporstarren;
schauern'; cymr. bret. brig `Gipfel' (*bhr–ko-).

References: WP. II 201.

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