Re: carus, whore

From: tgpedersen
Message: 29893
Date: 2004-01-22

--- In, "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...>
> Torsten:
> >but one might instead follow Kuhn's idea and
> >accept this as a Nordwestblock loan in Germanic (<car> is Celtic
> To add to the confusion (...ah hell why not), it exists in Etruscan
> (/cara/) and EteoCypriot (/kera/) as well.

With the positive or negative sense? Baltic, too. In Kuhn's world
Etruscan would have taken it from an Italic substrate, since he
thinks Italic comes from somewhere around the Nordwestblock (to
account for its ties with Celtic and with Germanic, cf eg the
ethnonym Marsi), but EteoCypriot? How would you explain it?
