[tied] Re: Latin pinso etc.

From: Richard Wordingham
Message: 29702
Date: 2004-01-16

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Piotr Gasiorowski"
<piotr.gasiorowski@...> wrote:

> > als the probability
> > of *serp- >Sarpe _even_ in a satem language? Where is the
> > Latin feature here which differentiated the word from PIE root
and which
> > let no other way as to derive it without the help of Latin?
> How else, if not via Latin, do you propose to explain the final /-
e/? By
> invoking an arbitrary "suffix"? What suffix, namely? Ockham, come
here for a
> moment, and bring the razor.

I take it this is just an exercise for Alex, as I've already given a
possible suffix at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cybalist/message/29658 . Latin remains
the likeliest explanation.
