Re: Romanian Swadesh list -> 10% substratual

From: g
Message: 28221
Date: 2003-12-09

> > a) 'b^at~a' (derived form : 'bot~a')
> > -> DEX indicates an unknown etymology.
> So?!

BTW: [IMHO, we can take into consideration the hypothesis
that <bâta> < Hungarian <bot>. (It's already mentioned
above that there is the intermediary <bot&>, and this
intermediary variant is used exactly in the regions
where Romanians have for centuries coexisted with

> > If we add (all or some of them):
> > 8. scrum 'ash' (for sure substratual - see Albanian too)
> The basical word remains still "cenuSã".

Confirmation: <scrum> has a restricted area of usage, i.e.
it is used in certain contexts, whereas <cenu$a> is over-
whelming in frequency and contexts. Besides, as I pointed
out, they aren't perfect synonyms: except for the cigarette
and cigar ashes, in most situations <scrum> is much more...
slaggy (so to speak, exaggerating a bit :-) than <cenu$a>.

> Marius Iacomi
