Re: [tied] Re: The Return of the Knight Who Says "Një"

From: alex
Message: 27093
Date: 2003-11-12

Abdullah Konushevci wrote:
>> amalusta considered to have been meant "camomile"; Jokle compared it
>> with Alb. word "ambëlë" which means "sweet". Why should be a
> camomile
>> sweet, that was unexplained, but the connection is made even today.
>> The taste of camomile is far away from being sweet, but is bitter.
>> The PIE *omlos . If it meant "bitter" and Dacian word was indeed
> from
>> this , then the unsuffixed form should be maybe *amalu(s) + suffix
>> *(s)ta ?
>> Interesting, Latin "amarus" (bitter) is seen as deriving from *am-
> ro- as
>> reduced form of *omo-; the Indic forms present both liquids "l"
> and "r"
>> in the reflexes of the PIE root.
>> Alex
> ************
> Why should, for heaven's sake, PIE *omlos be *amalu(s)-?
> Konushevci

Just a simple wild speculation with not very much base. If the word
meant "camomile" as PA mentionated it I thought to corelate the name of
the plant with the taste of bitter as it tastes.
On this basis, thinking at the PIE *omlos which meant bitter, then it
should be probable that PIE *omlos > Dacian amalus.

About initial "o" I cannot say anything since the names of rivers and
some names and toponymes presents an initial "o". If this is from an
short or long "o" that is not sure at all. I will present some of them:

Rivers:Ordessos, Oskios
Toponyms:Outidava, Ofiousa, Odessos, Orgame (Orgalema), Ozubia,
Olodoris, Ourbriana, Odriozo
Name of the tribes: Oboulensioi, Oitensioi,
Names: Dacian name Oroles, Thracian name Oloros; Oikorsis (attested
in Moesia Inferior)

In the Illirian regions we have too something:
Orgame, Orgesos, Orgomenai, Ozobia, Ozuaei
For "Oescus" from Moesia Superior, Pogirc shows as cognate Illyrian
In fact he see more equivalents between Dacian & Ilirian rivers and
toponyms as between Daciaan and the Thracian; some other conclude that
the classic Thracian Theritory, south of Balkan mountains, should have
been "new" Thracian, due migrations from Dacian space.
If this should be true, then the old idea with Migration from South to
North, seems a bit strange since one will expect to have more
Thracian-Dacian toponyms as Ilirian-Dacian.
