Re: The Return of the Knight Who Says "Një"

From: m_iacomi
Message: 27068
Date: 2003-11-11

--- In, "alex" wrote:

>>> pre-Albanian *u was stable but not pre-Albanian *o; the "o" got
>>> lost before nasal in the initial position.
>> Some examples?!
> There is at least one. Curious?

Not curious, just wondering what you have in mind. Demiraj hasn't

>> begin with "un-". Anyway, one cannot link a derivative of a Latin
>> word having meaning of indefinite with an Albanian word meaning
>> simply `one`. Why on earth Romanian "une-"?! it doesn't have even
>> a phonetic similarity with Albanian word.
> Because of Albanian "some", and Rom. "some".

Albanian `some`?! (asnjë)
This is not a numeral. Romanian correspondents are M/F, Sg/Pl
forms of "un(a)" with definite article, nothing special. No reason.

>> And, above all: what dou you mean by <Albanian "një" should be
>> seen as Romanian "une-">?! it is not the same word, it does not
>> have the same meaning, it does not sound the same, it does not
>> derive from the Romanian word, I wonder why didn't you pick at
>> least Aromanian form "unã" [un&], having more or less similar
>> meaning and phonetics.
> Arom unã speak for *une or *one too.

Aromanian "unã" is of course deriving from Latin "una" as well
as Daco-Romanian "o". You missed that lesson too.

>>> Rom. "une-" has two posibilities ov derivation: from "une-" or
>>> from "one-"
>> No, it's just a regular plural feminine of "un", as indefinite
>> pronoun.
> Your horseglasses.....

Ignorance squared remains still ignorance, but it's still somehow
odd to make such remarks being totally grammar-free minded. The
problem is yours, not being able to cope with it and with similar
Romance developements. Well, 'nuff said, I'll skip this thread
from now on.

Marius Iacomi