Re: derivation rules from later latin to romanian

From: g
Message: 26199
Date: 2003-10-02

> "Septe" is IMO a hyper-urbanismus. In my dictionary for archaisms and
> regionalism there is no such form as "$epte" but DEX gives this form and
> meant it is a regionalism and not a hyper-urbanism. Unfortunately there
> is no indication in which region should be "$epte".

Then what on earth of old texts with the spelling
<$eapte> or <$japte>? (Your dictionary of archaisms
must've been concocted by... lazybones. ;-)

The 2nd argument: travel throughout Romania,
but leave out your native region (which for God's
sake represents only one aspect of Romanian language,
and not the entire Romanian language), and listen
carefully. Throughout vast regions such as Transylvania,
Banate and most of Moldavia people say ['Sep-te] or
['Sæp-te] even today, in spite of the fact that
the written language and the language heard on radio
and TV has for decades now been constantly "$apte".

(And mind you: DEX's authors were/are prof.dr.dr.phil.
& habil., i.e., professionals and Meisterdenker in the
field of linguistics. You yourself aren't yet... an
apprentice. So... ne sutor supra crepidam, Himmel,
A**** und Wolkenbruch no' amoi eini! ;-)
