Re: [tied] Re: Some Albanian-Romanian concordances

From: alex
Message: 25645
Date: 2003-09-08

----- Original Message -----
From: "tolgs001" <>

>Alex wrote:

>Hmm.. . See Rom. "lãbuS" and rom. "labã" for Latin "lepus".

lepus, leporis in connection with Rum. iepure.
but lãbuS and labã in connection with Hungarian
láb [la:b] "leg, foot"

can it be the Hungarian word is a loan from Romanian ? In Rom. lang the
word means paw, pad. The sense of the human leg or human hand seems to
be a addaptated one from animals.
The verb is " a lãbãrTa"= to get out of shape and the adjectiv is
"lãbãrTat". Of course the vulgar word for onanismus seems to derive from
the derogative denomination for "hand" which is "laba". Are you indeed
shure this is a loan from Hungarian? I ask because the le:p- is a IE
root which fets damm good the Rom. meanings
In fact the PIE root seems to be in Pokorny the root 1172 *le:p
`flach sein; Hand-, Fußfläche, Schulterblatt, Schaufel, Ruderblatt u.
