Re: Some Albanian-Romanian concordances

From: tolgs001
Message: 25603
Date: 2003-09-07

Alex wrote:

>Wrong. You are confounding the boths words: incinge(1) and
>incinge(2). One is explained as Latin incendere and one as
>latin incingere

Yep, you're right: "im Eifer des Gefechts" I mistook
the... <cingula>-verb. Of course, I should've taken the...
incendiary verb, i.e. <incendere> (which results in
<incendium>). So, mea pulpa, errare humanum est. :^)

In Romanian, both <incingere> and <incendere> give
<încinge/re,> + <încins.>


PS: I previously forgot to mention that the Romanian
dictionary says that the ghost <moroi> (feminine
<moroaicã>) has a counterpart in Serbian and Bulgarian: