Re: [tied] Re: Historical implications of Romanian ecclesiastical t

From: george knysh
Message: 23412
Date: 2003-06-17

--- P&G <petegray@...> wrote:
> >In Western Romance areas (including Italy),
> authority of (Latin
> >based) church was obviously stronger and could
> impose exclusive
> >use of official word instead of a popular spreading
> version.

*****GK: In view of Isidore's 7th c. use of "basilica"
in a Spain where Catholic orthodoxy had just triumphed
over Arianism thanks in no small measure to the
activity of churchmen such as himself, we need to
reassess the time frame for the imposition of
"ecclesia" as THE authoritative word for "church" as a
> Not just the church. Charlemagne [+814 GK]
> insisted on correct
> pronunciation of Latin, and the exclusion of
> versions which were not "to the
> letter". So cantare had to be pronounced /kantare/
> and not /Santer/.
> Peter

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