Re: Historical implications...

From: tolgs001
Message: 23343
Date: 2003-06-15

>greSitilor = datornicilor in other variants;
>(if you like, take Latin debitores)

That's right.

>BTW, is in Latin version the sense of "sinner"?

No, I don't thik so: <<sicut et nos dimittimus
debitoribus nostris.>>

>I wonder because in German there is too the
>sense of "debitores" but not of "sinners": "wir
>vergeben unseren Schuldigern". There is related
>to "Schuld" = guilt but not "Sünde"= sinn.

Well, translations... :)

<<Also forgive us our trespasses,just
as we forgive those who trespass against

<<Und vergib uns unsere Schuld,wie auch wir
vergeben unser'n Schuldigern>>

