Re: biserica

From: g
Message: 23289
Date: 2003-06-14

>It is therefore arguable that in Romanian the basic
>word (which referred to a building) was subsequently
>stretched to include various other senses of "church".


>I take it that the translated Romanian Bible also uses
>this term? Thus the famous statement in Matthew 16
>where Christ announces that he will build his Church
>(i.e. the community of believers)would in Romanian be
>rendered as Christ's intention to build his "Biserica"?

Matthew 16:18 [according to a translation into
Romanian circulated in Western Europe and North
America about 25 years ago; it observes a vocabulary
and a style that is quite archaic; nonetheless, the
text can be understood without any effort by a
Romanian native speaker of the 20th-21st century]:

<<18. Si Eu iti spun: tu esti Petru, si pe aceasta piatra
[= upon this stone] voi zidi Biserica Mea, si portile
Locuintei mortilor nu o vor birui.>>

>Ditto re the "disciplinary" comment of
>Matthew 18 about "telling the Church" of someone's
>misdeed? In Romanian "telling the Biserica"?

Matt. 18:17 <<DAca nu vrea sa asculte de ei, spune-l
Bisericii, si, daca nu vrea sa asculte nici de Biserica,
sa fie pentru tine ca un pagân si ca un vameS.>>

>And Paul would be addressing some of his Epistles to the
>"Biserica" which is meeting in disciple X's house
>(where "house" would be rendered by some other
>term).Have I got this right?******

His preaching in Rome, right? Acts of the Apostles
28:30: <<Pavel a ramas doi ani intregi intr'o casa [in a
house], pe care o luase cu chirie [that he had rented].
Primea pe toti care veneau sa-l vada.>> Romans 16:22
<<Va trimet sanatate la Domnul eu, Tertiu, care am scris
epistola aceasta. 16:23 Gaiu, gazda mea si a intregii
Biserici, va trimete sanatate.>> (16:23 Gaius mine host,
and of the whole church, saluteth you.)

Romans 16:3,4: <<Spuneti sanatate Priscilei si lui
Acuila [...] / care si-au pus capul in jos ca sa-mi scape
viata. Le multzamesc nu numai eu, dar si toate
Bisericile iesite dintre neamuri.>> (16:3 Greet Priscilla
and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus: / 16:4 Who have
for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not
only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.)

1st Corinthians 16:1 <<Cât priveste strangerea de ajutoare
pentru sfintzi, sa faceti si voi cum am rânduit Bisericilor
Galatiei.>> 16:19 <<Bisericile din Asia va trimet sanatate.
Acuila si Priscila, impreuna cu Biserica din casa lor, ...>>
(1 Corinthians 16:19 The churches of Asia send greetings
to you. [Aquila] and [Priscilla] greet you warmly in the Lord,
with the church that meets in their house.)
