[tied] Basilica ( it was Re: Historical impications )

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 23230
Date: 2003-06-14

There is in Albanian phitonym <borsilok> 'ocymum basilicum' with a -
r-, but probably with recent origin, for we haven't common
change /s/ > /sh/.
According to P. Skok, it seems that is Greek characteristic to
change /r/ in /l/ and, according to him, river name <Drilon> is a
Greek form of much oldest <Drinon> (today Drini).
Based on some my observation, concerning toponyms, I have noticed
that Albanian -ora > <ura> 'bridge', as a second element of many
toponyms, was changed in -ola. So, instead to try to find how
<biserica> is derived from <basilica>, why you don't try to find how
<basilica> is derived from <biserica>.
But, what about <basi:leia> 'queen', <basilei:a> 'kingdom', <to
basileon> 'king palace', <basileus> 'king', basileuo 'to rule',
basilikos 'like king', etc.
I believe that Peter could help you much more regarding this


--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "alex" <alxmoeller@...> wrote:
> Abdullah Konushevci wrote:
> > In no dictionary I can find the word 'biserica'. Indeed, the word
> > <biserka> 'church' was found in some argot of some bricklayers in
> > mountain of Sharr, but it must be a loan from Rom. <biserica> and
> > was not spoken by Albanians. Otherwise, the common word for
> > is "kishë", an aphetic form of Greek word via Latin <ecclesia>,
> > through regular evolution /kl/ > k in Gegë dialect and /s/
> /sh/.
> > And, at last, at most all Albanian religious dictionary is from
> > Latin, because Albanians were christianized before the Slavs
> > invasion in Balkan, and this present the rare pearl of Latin
> > in Albanian.
> >
> > Konushevci
> > ************
> thank you for info Abdullah. We see how some reputates linguists
> handling uncarefully their data.
> We have just to find out how did the word "basilika"
became "biserica".
> Maybe a look at the etymology of the Greek word will help. I don't
> the work of I.I. Russu here, but in a study of Cicerone Poghirc, I
> Russu demonstrated the word "basileus" or the root of it should
> been loaned from Thracians. Of course one looks uncredulously at a
> statment and one will should like to see the demonstration. I
would like
> it too.
> I would mention that even with "bi" there is no shiboleth there,
no kind
> of "g'iserica" is used, just "biserica", and regional, "beserica".
> Alex