Re: [tied] Re: Labiovelar in Latin

From: alex_tiscali_dsl
Message: 21972
Date: 2003-05-16

----- Original Message -----
From: "tolgs001" <gs001ns@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 10:34 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Labiovelar in Latin

> >"viu" (alternance g'iu).
> we can't take this "g'iu" for granted.
> Where on earth is this form in use? (Even
> if it is, it must be a rara avis.)

It is no rara avis. It is used even for the expresion of " to reborn" =
to be alive again ( ing'iere=înviere).
in the aromanian seems more pronounced this aspect.
Some rules for understanding aromanian:

2) Tuti zboarãli tsi au sonlu grãtsescu ghamma muljat, (cari au dupã
litira e icã i) lipsescu scriari cu litira y ca, bunãoarã, zboarãli
ma nsus): a-yi-sit, an-yez, an-yi-sedz, dyi-vã-ses-cu, year-yir,
yi-ra-chi-nã, yi-tã-ga-ni, yi-trip-ses-cu, Yiz-mã-ciunj, hãr-yi-e,
mã-yea-uã, mã-yip-ses-cu, mã-yis-tru, ntur-yi-ses-cu, ur-yi-e,
Mash cãndu va s-u va maxus scriitorlu, ca zboarãli si s-avdã cu sonlu
latinescu g muljat (cã s-aflã nãintea-a unui son e icã i), eali va poatã
s-hibã scriati sh-cu litira simplã g icã litira compusã gh, ca:
an-ghez, an-ghi-sedz, dghi-vã-ses-cu, ghear-ghir, ghea-tru,
ghi-tã-ga-ni, ghi-trip-ses-cu, Ghiz-mã-ciunj, hãr-ghi-e, lu-ghi-e,
mã-ghea-uã, mã-ghip-ses-cu, mã-ghis-tru, ntur-ghi-ses-cu, ur-ghi-e,
vir-ghi-rã, etc.

Take a look:

(i) dit bitisita-a zboarãlor, cari yini dupã dauã icã ma multi consoani,
simpli i compusi, icã consoana complexã x, sh

I guess it is easealy to observe even in Aromanian here "cari yini"=
DacoRomanian "care vine" pronounced as expected "cari g'ine". but the
two ways to write here should be edificative.

In my region it is not used "eu g'in" , but "g'iu". "hai ca g'iu acu",
g'iu, g'ii, g'ini, venim, veniti, g'ine, conjuct. "sã g'ie or sã g'inã".

I am sure you need no translation _even if this is an another dialect
never learned_. Beside some specialities like "zborlu"= vorbã , cuvânt
there is perfectly understable because it is still our language. If
Romanian separated by Dacoromanian in VI AC it is still to understand
very well. There are 500 years who changed all that things ?
And today we have 2003 , there are 1500 years of separation ( if true
this separation in VI century)... still the same language.

As the Greek came they have known the Arimans.. we fall back into
mythology...Hommer II. v. 783 and the story of Typhon the one coming
from the country of Arimanes..