Re: [tied] Re: cardinal points

From: alex_lycos
Message: 21673
Date: 2003-05-10

> In Romanian there's buhã indeed, but its synonym,
> that's used far more frequently, is bufnitã ['bufnitz&]
> *buhnitã doesn't exist. (For various kinds of little
> owls, there are the Romanian terms "cucuvea" or
> "cucuvaie" as well as "ciuf" and "huhurez"; this one
> seems to be as onomatopoeic as Uhu in German
> I don't know but my guesstimation is that cucuvea
> and ciuf are related to the Italian civetta.)

interesting these onopatopoes.
Germanic "kleffen" is not given as onomatopoe, but Romanian "clefãi" is
given as an onomatopoe.The fact they have both the same meaning it
seems, is secundary. Does it not looks like a loan from germanic? But in
which period of time since mhd= "klaffen", ahd="klaffon"

about "ciuf" in sense of "tuft", I see it as cognate with german
"haufen" which is from the same family with "hoch" and they are derived
from the PIE *keu.
The same derivation we have in german "hocken" and Rom. "cocoSa".
Interesting enough the Rom. Linguists seen the verb "cocoSa"= to bend,
to hunch up one's shoulders; to become bent as a contamination of
"gogoaSã"=doughnut.the etym. of gogoaSã= unknown etym. see "cocoSa".

I don'T know if I can derive the wellknown "cãciulã" (fur cap) as a
compound of "like the tuft" ( ca= like + ciu ( from *keu ) + old
suffix -la" ca+ciu+la

You see, there are a lot of related thingies to germanic. And because
the thread begun with "cardinal points" and the romanian "rãsãrit") it
ought to remember here beside what I said in the first message as

old Islandic= reisen = to raise ( a urca)
Lithuanian = rytas ( morning, sunrise)

The Latin form *resalire is just a joke even if theoretycally possible.
But in the same way one will tell you that because re+mânca is possible,
there have been a word in Rom. called *remânca which is absolutely
These reconstructions just because of only one language are very
dangerous I guess..