Albanian-Romanian Concordances

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 20939
Date: 2003-04-11

I like to finish the theme about Albanian-Romanian cognates in non-
Latin and non-Slavic words, without mentioned the words we have
treated here, like: baltë, brada, daltë, gardh, këlbazë, qafë. I
strongly believe that all these words belong to pre-Latin and pre-
Slavic stage of Albanian and Roman languages.

Albanian Romanian English
Ajkë<alkë alca `cream'
Avull abur `steam, vapour'
Bardhë barza `sork'
Brez<brenz briu `belt, sash'
Fluturë fluture `butterfly'
Gërresë gresie `scraper'
Gropë groapa `hole, gap'
Gjon ghionoaie `scops-owl'
Hamës hames `gluttonous; greedy'
Kurth cursa `trap, snare'
Moshë mos `age'
Mugull mugur `bud'
Nepërkë naprica `viper, adder'
Përrua pariu `stream'
Sorrë cioara `rook'
Shark(ë) sarica `sleevless gown'
Shkrumb scrum `ash'
Shtrep/shtreb strepede `cheese-hopper'
Tharbët sarbad `sourish'
Thërrime farima `crumb'
Udhos, urlë urda `soft cottage cheese'
Vjedull/vjedhull viezure `badger'
