Re: Etymology of the Souliot names Zarbas, Drakos etc

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 20716
Date: 2003-04-02

Also, am I to assume that the name of another Souliot clan, "Drakos"
> Drakaioi) is etymologically related to the Serbian "Dragash," and
> names with the element "drag."
With thanks, in advance,
> Aristide Caratzas
That Drakaioi is etymologically related to the Serbian "Dragash" and
other names with the element "drag" I am very doubtful. As far as I
am aware, Dragash is also place name in Kosova. I doubt that it's
formed by persian preposition der 'in' and -agash. The same case we
have in the name Dirlikofça, besides well attested place names Lika,
Likoshan, Likofçe, etc. With Turkish postponed preposition -de we
have also many place names: Lubizhde, Librazhde, etc. In ancient
times we have also many place names with Latin preposition ad "in"
(Ad Aquas, Ad Libras, etc.). Near the Dragash, in Prizren the most
known place name is Mirash. If we agree that in Albanian these names
are derived from feminine ones: Lule (Lulash), Gure (Gurash), Mrikë,
demin. of Mari (Mrikash), Marë (Marash), it's easy to conclude that
Agash is derived from Age, hypokoristic form of Saint Agatha. As the
name of Mother Tereza (Gonxhe Boajxhiu) was Age Bojaxhiu, which is
from this or near of this place, as far as I know, it's natural this
saint to be celebreted in this region.
Also, Sulioti was an Albanian tribe, but about the names of their
commandants, I haven't think a lot.
