*Xulma [Re: Vladimir]

From: tolgs001
Message: 20613
Date: 2003-04-01

>we have Gmc. *xelma- 'helmet' --> PSl. *s^elmU as
>opposed to *hulma- 'hill' --> PSl. *xUlmU, both developing
>just like any similar words of native origin, undergoing
>all the changes expected of them.
> I should have written *xulma 'hill' --> PSl. *xUlmU for
>the sake of consistency, lest anyone should think I'm
>proposing a new phonemic contrast for Germanic.

Cf. Hungarian "halom" ['hO-lom] and its declension
form "halma" ['hOl-mO] (necessary e.g. for the
accusative & accusative possessive: halmat ['hOl-mOt],
halmát ['hOl-ma:t]:

clump, conglomerate, crowd, _heap_,
junk, mass, _mound_, pack, peck, _pile_,
sheaf, stack

kõhalom = cairn
sírhalom = sepulchral mound
halomra öl = he/she/it massacres
nagy halom = mountain
halomba rak = to heap
to heap up
to stack
to stack up
halomba hord = to heap (up)
ócskavas-halom = junk pile
egyedülálló halom = mound
... et cetera...

Hegyes*halom* (frontier locality, neighboring
Austrian Nickelsdorf) = "mountainous hillock" or
"peaky hillock"
