OCS and Rom

From: alex_lycos
Message: 20528
Date: 2003-03-29

As I promised some time ago, here follows a list with some words which
should belonged to OCS but they shouldn't be found in the actual Slavic
languages or they should have an absolutely another meaning as in Rom.
Lang.I am curious to see if indeed there are really not to find in the
modern Slavic languages and in the case they are to find,I am curious
about the meaning in modern Slavic languages. I will give the meaning of
these words , rom. meaning of course since the OCS meaning is unknown to
(Romanian/Slavic/meaning in Romanian)

A atârna < truna = to hang
A aTinti < centa = to stare , to fix
A brodi < broditi = to guess, to happen to be
A clãdi < kladom, klasti = to build
coajã < koZa = peel, shell, bark, crust
A dojeni < dognati, deZenon = to reprimand, to scold
A domoli < domoliti se = to calm, to quiet down
A fãli < hvaliti = to brag, to boast of
A iscãli < iskaljati, iskalu= to sign
A iscodi < isxhoditi = to search out, to spy
A isprãvi < ispraviti = to finish, to complete, to end, to be over
A izbi < izbiti = to hit, to knock, to strike
A înTepa < Cepati = to prick, to sting
A lovi < loviti = to hit, to strike, to kick, to slap
A mânji < mazati = to dirty, to grime, to sully
A mâzgãli < mEzega = to smear, to scrawl
A mocni < moknoti = to smoulder
A necãji < nakazati = to annoy, to anger, to irritate
A ocroti < ocrotiti = to protect
A opri < opreti = to stop
A osteni < ustanom = to get tired
A pârî < p(i)reti = to denounce
A pofti < pohoteti = to wish, to desire, to invite
A porni < porinoti = to start up, to departe, to put into action
A prigoni < prigoniti = to persecute
A privi < pravati = to look at, to watch
A rãscoli < raskoliti = to rummage, to search out
A râvni < rivinovati = to covet, to crave for
A smuci < smuCati = to jerk , to struggle
A stâlci < sutlaciti = to crush, to mangle, to corrupt
A strivi < sustryvati = to crush, to squash
A trãi < trajati = to live, to exist, to be
A trezi < treziti = to wake up, fig. To (a)rouse
A Tinti < centa = to aim at, to strive for
A vârî < vreti = to put in, to bury
A vrãji < vraZa = magic, witchcraft, fig. Charm