Re: [tied] ] Hellenic and Thracian

From: P&G
Message: 19778
Date: 2003-03-13

> > The place of Mycenaean ...connected either with
> > Aeolic or with Arcadian & Cyprian

> Yes, isn't Mycenaen shown by the linear B tablets to have been related to
> Arcado-Cypriot?

There are links, but also with Aeolic, and nothing to separate Mycenaean
more from one than the other.

> I've also heard that Aeolic is the most archaic Greek dialect.

That's hard to define! Do you mean "least changed?" If so, I should point
out that in some respects it goes further than Arcado-Cyprian (eg e > i
"frequently" before any vowel, not just before n & front vowels; and
labiovelars > labials everywhere) while Arcado-Cyprian takes other
developments further than Aeolic.

>And what about Northwest Greek/Epiriot? Should this be placed with
> Dorian?

Northwest Greek is a Western dialect, distinct from Doric dialects (eg er >
ar; -sth- > -st-; and the use of poti for Doric proti /porti)
