Re: [tied] Re: alb. gji

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 19376
Date: 2003-02-27

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:19:07 +0000, "Abdullah Konushevci
<a_konushevci@...>" <a_konushevci@...> wrote:

>It's very hard to say did the Latin stringere is Albanian shtrengoj.
>Concerning the participle strictus, I doubt yes, because Albanian
>form is i (e) shtrejtë, standard form i(e) shtrenjtë, due to the
>wellknown phonological rule of turning the Latin /-ct-/ > /-jt-/
>(cmp. Lat. directus > Alb. i(e) drejtë, Lat. pactus > Alb. pajtoj,
>etc.). I doubt, because plain guturals after the front vowels,
>speciallu after the i, and e, are turned to palatals, so it's very
>hard to exept that shtrëngoj is a Latin loan.

The first person sg. stringo and 3pl. stringunt didn't have a front
vowel, so perhaps /g/ was retained analogically from there.

Romance in general turns ng+e/i into a palatal /n^/ (Spa. estreñir,
Cat. estrènyer), except Italian where there are variations (piagne,
piange < planget) and Romanian, which has /ndz^/ (plânge).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal