Re: [tied] frog

From: alex_lycos
Message: 19192
Date: 2003-02-25

a_konushevci@... wrote:
> No, it's exactley written - bro:scus "zurück". Taken in account that
> turtles could go forward as backward it may explanes the
> semantization. Thinking much deeper, if we treat these words as
> compounds ones, we could conclude that thee are derived from PIE
> root *per- > *ber-, reduced to 0-grade, as proposition and PIE *ed-
> /*es- "to eat", treating these as suffixed forms -ka:
> To Albanian word bretk "forg", -k could be easy the suffix, until -
> osa to bretkosa (female frog) is motion suffix: derr (male pig),
> dosa (female pig)
> Otherwise, as You propose the Grundform bru:scus, based in Walde-
> Pokorny, I express my reservation that Albanian words could be
> derived from this primary form. For bru:scus in Albanian will derive
> brishk(a) and bretk will have no fonological explication

I have doubts about such a semantic shift . The word bro:scus is unknown
to me , maybe can someone find it and tell us what about.
As for the compound word *per + sufix "ka" it wont explain the "s" here,
and it will let open the germanic forms " frosc-"
The suffix "os" which exist in Romanian is seen as the old Latin "os"
not the PIE "os".
A question. Which is the corectly paar in albanian for feminine and
masculine form of this suffix?
In Rom. We have os/oasã ( making adjectives mâniOS (masc) = mâniOASA
(fem). Is in albanian just the feminine "osa" like in female pig?