Re: [tied] Re: Balkan Serpents (was: alb. gji (breast))

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 18761
Date: 2003-02-12

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 23:07:31 +0100, "alex_lycos" <altamix@...>

[a lot of confused nonsense]

It's really very simple:

Lat. vitellu(m) > vetEllu > vetiellu > vitzel(u)
vitella(m) vetElla vetiella vitzea

Unstressed /e/ gave /i/ here, probbaly at the stage *vetiellu >
*vitiellu by assimilation. -ella > -ea as in stea < stella.

>vetElla > vitiella
>vedere > vedere
>Why once the /e/ from 'vetElla' became /i/ and the /e/ from 'vedere'
>became /e/ ?

The /E/ became /ie/, and the /e./ became /e/. As in Spanish or

>But you can try to get me closed when you come to dog.In Latin where
>from derives "catulus" and "catula"? From "canis"?

Of course not.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal