--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Juha Savolainen <juhavs@...> wrote:
> > Hi Dan,>
> Unfortunately, I have next to nothing to add to the> interesting
etymological question. However, I cannot> help pointing out a review
that must be interesting> for a geologist intrigued by the Saraswati
debates. I> refer to A. B. ROY´s review of "Saraswati: The River
> that Disappeared" by K. S. Valdiya (at CURRENT> SCIENCE, VOL. 83,
NO. 7, 10 OCTOBER 2002 902)
> http://tejas.serc.iisc.ernet.in/~currsci/contents.htm
It is fine to read the critique contained in the book review.
Won't it be a good idea to read KS Valdiya's cute little book and
quote from it too see what he has to say after 50 years of
geological studies?
On the numbers of sites on River Sarasvati, read Gregory L. Possehl,
A Gazetter of Sites (over 250 pages) in Indus Age -- The Beginnings.
The list includes three sites on the river which are larger either
Mohenjodaro or Harappa (100 ha. each): Rakhigarhi (225 ha.),
Gurnikalan (200 ha.), Hasni (200 ha.), Ganweriwala (120 ha.). One
can speculate until the sites are fully excavated and documented.
About Haraxwaiti. Many Croats claim that they are descendants from
this region. Sarasvati > Haraxwaiti > Hravat > Kravat > Croat.
Counter? Nationalism!