Re: [tied] Re: latin viridis hmmm..

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 18207
Date: 2003-01-27

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 21:18:43 +0100, alex_lycos <altamix@...>

>Well, here it ought Miguel will explain why the short Latin "i" remain
>"i" in Romanian and do not diphtongued or changed or what ever. This
>should be very interesting because it seems from the almost exhaustive
>description of the proto-balcano-romance vocalismus ( what a
>term!),there is the short Latin /i/ which remains /i/ in Romanian.
>Of course, there are example needed since without examples people wil
>think just the long /i:/ gave an "i" in Romanian, or , how results from
>Miguel's demonstration, there is no short Latin /i/ which remains /i/.
>Miguel said as follow: Latin /e:/, /i/, /oe/ >rom /i/ by 2b
>2b) Except before /m/or /mn/, /e/ (original or from /E/ -- Alex reminds
>thath E is given from /e/ ot /ea/--) is further closed to /i/ (timp,
>dinte, plin, limbã, but gem, lemn)

In context: before /n/, /nC/, /mC/ (except /mn/) but not single /m/,
/e/ (from Latin i, e, e:, ae, oe) > /i/.

>I am carefully here since in the example we have here there is no /i/
>which shows this transformation but just an /E/ which derives from /e/
>or /ea/.

>Latin words with short /i/ in the words which are given by DEX to be the
>parent of Romanian words:
>lingua > limba

before /mC/

>alvina > albina

before /n/

>appropiare > apropia

There's no vowel /i/ here.

>ericius > arici

"hedgehog", cf. Spa. erizo < e:ri:cius, with long i: (otherwise it
would be *erezo). But Classical Latin had e:r, e:ricius, with short

>asinus >asin (!)

Where's the stress in Romanian? Western Romance has ásnus (Spa. asno,
Cat. ase, Fr. âne). Ita. has ásino. If pre-Romanian accented *asénu,
asín is regular (before /n/).

>, attingo > atinge

Before /nC/

>attineo > atsine

Before /n/

>audio > auzi,

Audi:re has long /i:/.

>umbilicus > buric

Spa. ombligo, not *omblego, so long i: (the word is indeed umbili:cus)

>cingo >(în)cinge, cingula > chingã, convinco > convinge

All before /nC/

>vitricus > vitreg

That has an /e/, hasn't it? If you're referring the unstressed
initial <i>, that's not covered by the rules I gave. Anyway, the
Romanian word seems to be derived from *vi:trígus (Classical vitrícus
would have given vãtrec).

The rules for unstressed vowels are more or less:

a a: *a > ã (normal development)
> a absolute initial [avea]
> e after palatal in absolute final [foaie]
> â before nasal (even absolute initial)
[cânta, ângust]

e e: i ae oe *e > e (normal development)
> ã initial syllable, after labial, /s/ or /r/
[pãcat, bãtrân, sãcure, rãs,inã]
> î in the preverb în-

i: *i > i (normal development),
final after Cr,Cl [socri]
> ^ (final) [ieri pomi vulpi]

o o: *o > u (normal development)
u u: *u > u (normal development)
> 0 (final)

(The symbol ^ (written <i>) stands for palatalization of previous

(Some Latin unstressed vowel had already been elided in Proto-Balkan

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal

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