Re: [tied] Re: latin viridis (it was green albanian)

From: alex_lycos
Message: 18137
Date: 2003-01-26

gs001ns@... wrote:
> alex_lycos wrote:
>> Regarding the Latin "i" which cannot become "a": In so far,
>> I don't see how vir(i)dia > varza
>> It seems too me that there are more possibilities:
>> a) Romanian "varza" is not related to the family of "green" aka
>> "viridis"
> Why on earh not? Singular "o varza verde", plural "doua verze
> verzi". If the plural of "verde" => "verzi" as well as the verb
> "a înverzi - înverzire" can contain a d > z, why couldn't a
> word with the meaning "cabbage"? E.g. verde > vearde >
> veardze/veardza > vearza/varza. Besides, Romanian also has
> collective terms for "vegetables, greenery": "verdeatza" or
> as a plural "verdetzuri". "Varza" is a merely specialized
> word for cabbage (that's why you have to say "verdeatza"
> or "verdetzuri" if you wish to sell other vegetables too,
> and not only cabbage). (Also note such second names as
> Varzaru & Verzea.)

George, "barza" has the same plural form as "varza" and just for it is
not a Latin word, but a substrate one.
barza -berze, varza-verze
Romanian has "verdetsuri" for vegetables but not "verdeatsa" which is
used for "green places". Of course you will can use what you want in the
family jargon if youlike, evend "verdeatsa" for vegetables.
I am not aware of names as "Verzea" but I do not exclude them . Names as
Vãrzaru, yes they are.
What do you mean here with "verde > vearde >varza "?
The trnasformation I guess it should be vir(i)dia > virdia > vierdza >
verdza > vear(d)za > vardza.
Beside the palatasion there is " i > ie > e > ea >a". But did an "ie"
monoftongued to "e"?
The substrate vord "viezure" shows the contrary.
About these supposed transformations I doubt ever they happened and not
in the short time from Latin until nowadays.

I forgot to give the Baltic form for frog= "varda". Is a frog green too?
