Re: latin viridis (it was green albanian)

From: tolgs001
Message: 18133
Date: 2003-01-26

alex_lycos wrote:

>Regarding the Latin "i" which cannot become "a": In so far,
>I don't see how vir(i)dia > varza .
>It seems too me that there are more possibilities:
>a) Romanian "varza" is not related to the family of "green" aka

Why on earh not? Singular "o varza verde", plural "doua verze
verzi". If the plural of "verde" => "verzi" as well as the verb
"a înverzi - înverzire" can contain a d > z, why couldn't a
word with the meaning "cabbage"? E.g. verde > vearde >
veardze/veardza > vearza/varza. Besides, Romanian also has
collective terms for "vegetables, greenery": "verdeatza" or
as a plural "verdetzuri". "Varza" is a merely specialized
word for cabbage (that's why you have to say "verdeatza"
or "verdetzuri" if you wish to sell other vegetables too,
and not only cabbage). (Also note such second names as
Varzaru & Verzea.)

>b)there is tough possible that a Latin "i" > "a" in Eastern Romance,

Always think of *later* transformations/derivations *within the
Romanian language* itself as well!

>better say in Romanian (I don't agree with Miguel that Italian is an
>Eastern Romance)


>c) the root for Latin "viridis" and the other language which have "e"
> instead of "i" , I mean here Romance with root "ver-"

So, in your opinion, the Italian and Spanish "verde" is
different from the Romanian "verde"?

>Comments are of course welcome.

I hope so.

