Re: [tied] Linear A as an early form of Indo-European

From: danjmi
Message: 17997
Date: 2003-01-23

--- In, Julianus <julianus@...> wrote:

> "Alwin K." wrote:
> >
> > Of Athena she says "her name
> > transparently means sun (atano- cf Luwian
> > astanus)" while I have never come across a Luwian word
> > astanus for 'sun' (the only word meaning 'sun'is
> > tiwat-, ultimately from PIE *diu-).
> hmm... the nearest thing that occurs to my (admittedly non-
> mind is from Egyptian: Aten, the sun-disc so beloved of Pharaoh
> -- Julianus

To keep others from wasting their time, I'll report what I found
on a search for the purportedly Luwian 'astanus'. The "she" in the
multiple quote above is Lucy Goodison. A review of one of her books
"Lucy Goodison is an archaeologist turned massage therapist, a
socialist and feminist: not a follower of fashion, but one who holds
the different strands together and weaves new meanings from them.
As thinker and therapist, Lucy Goodison is both respectful and
unafraid. She dismisses nothing as mere `superstition' —
the Tarot and acupuncture, the Astral and the auras, are all treated
as valid symbolic systems to express the integrity of life."
She apparently "published" the Athena-Astanus connection in an
electronic journal "Antistoriton" which is listed by Google, but
with the link apparently dead.
There was an Astanus (real or mythical, who knows) quoted in a
medieval treatise on alchemy, the translation of which is available
on the web.
May we all move on to other things now?
Dan Milton