Re: [tied] Re: Laryngeal Loss (was Does Koenraad Elst Meet Hock´s C

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 17386
Date: 2003-01-04

>Most typically, vowel reduction and loss creates difficult consonant
>clusters: trisyllabic CVCRVCV > C&CRVC& > monosyllabic CCRVC, etc.

Another interesting example of this process, besides Slavic to
Polish, would be in Pre-IE. The presence of zero-grading is
good evidence that something like this must have happened in
Indo-European's more recent past. I have suggested things like
*kewane-m > *kwon-m "dog" (acc.) and *kewena-se > *kunos (gen.)
elsewhere on this list and my theory of penultimate stress in MIE is
there to ponder.

- gLeN

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