Re: [tied] calendar

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 17286
Date: 2002-12-25

P&G wrote:
>> Is "calare" a late Latin word?
>> Calendae / Calendar = from gerundial form of Latin "calare",
>> cognates = greek "kalein"
> The Latin word is best spelled "Kalendar". Because of its religious
> significance, it retained the old spelling of "k" before "a" ("q"
> before o and u, "c" elsewhere). It seems most probable that it is
> cognate with (not borrowed from) the Greek kalein.
> The verb calo (best spelled kalo), and derivatives, is attested
> extremely early, e.g. CIL I:I about 500-450 BC.
> Peter

In some dictionaries the verb "caleo" is given as beeing a loan from
Etruscan. But the cognate forms of at least 3 IE languages speak for a
properly evolution in Latin.
Greek = kalein
PGmc= kallojanon
Rom = caloian
From PGmc *kalojanon it is said we have the english word " to call"

In Rom. Lang. We have "caloian"= a tradition in the times of dryness,
aridity, when people make a puppet of earth , decorate it with flowers,
let it on a river or bury it in the earth with the belief, this will
bring rain again.
The term "caloian" is to find in the times of second Bulgarian-Wallach
empire, Ionitsã Caloian descent of Asãnesti-Family ( see getic tribe of

If one will try to derive the Romanian form from Latin, it should be
pretty easy since it seems that "Caleo Janus" can be a composition of
"calling Jupiter", so there you got it "calo+ianu"= from latin "Calo
Janus". If this is a pertinent composition, I am not able to say:-)
But, enough with speculations. Cf. DEX, the Romanian word "caloian" is
not a loanword, but is to see in parallel with the Slavic word "kalenU".
I have no idea what Slavic "kalenU" means, but I don't see why a nasal
from Slavic will disappear in Romanian . So far I don't know why there
is just with Slavic "kalenU" a correspondence since we have "calo" in
Latin, "*kallojanon" in PGmc, "kalein" in Greek and of course, if
belonging to the same family , the Slavic "kalenU".
