Re: [tied] Greek is not an IE language!!!

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 17178
Date: 2002-12-14

Piotr Gasiorowski wrote:
> A new item in my collection of kooky sites:

well, I learned that ancient greek has some pelsagian words but I
learned too, Herodotus spoke about pelasgians and he considered them
beeing not greek.
I find interesting the verb "ikano" on this page , versus "iki". (link:
helenic words in hawai)
If there is not a forced appropiation it makeme to think at romanian
verb "a se itsi"=to arrive, to appear unexpected from somewhere.
DEX meant " a se itsi" is from "itsii"= (rare) interjection but I dont
know this interjection in romanian (my fault probable).
"A itsii" as verb is not obsolete and well in use.Conjugation IV
conjugated with "-esc"
itsesc, itseSti, itseSte, itsim, itsitsi, itsesc.

