Re: [tied] Evolution,uff.. toght is closed: ))

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 17177
Date: 2002-12-14

Miguel Carrasquer wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 10:07:37 +0100, alexmoeller@... wrote:
>> catsea= bitch.Cf DEX= from "catella" which en fine , point
>> semanticlay . The rules will work for "little dog" which is "cãtsel"
>> from "catelus" with short "e".
> catellus and catella both have short e.

"ee"= long /e/, "ii"= long /i/

cateella, ae, f. ( dem. v, catena)= Kettchen = little chain
catellus,catellii m. ( dem. v. catulus) Hündchen= little dog
catula, ae= Hündchen little dog
catulus, catulii= Junges, junger Hund ( young dog)
about canis > câine has no reason to speak about.

>> There are subtantivs like country= "tsinut" which will
>> mean in the latin theory this is from a participium of "tsine". Has
>> tough the same form with "ts". It is hard to speak as romanian
>> "tienut" or "tiene". This sounds already " foreign" but theoreticaly
>> your derivation tenet > tiene > tzine is possible. Tugh very short
>> time for it. As the slavs came the process was alerady done. That is
>> what is weierd here. The slavs came pretty early and the process was
>> "done". That means that all this happened in the 200 years which is
>> hard to belive.
> 200 years is ten generations. Plenty of time.

Nope. in 213 Caracalla used a dacian from Dacia Felix for translation
with the free dacians. and this was 213 e.c.
In XVIII centuries ( see Pushcariu) there were the aromanian women they
new _no_ another langauge as aromanian. And they lived "abroad" in
slavic or greek regions. That tells much from reality versus theory on
paper. But I leave the topic with this kind of stories:-)

> Because i/y always cause palatalization, regardless of stress. It's
> Early Romance open /E/ (from Latin short /e/ and /ae/) which becomes
> /ie/ only when stressed.

which will never allow a such /y/ to sincope. But there is a lot of
elidation of this /y/. I will reply to this /y/ how I said in a new

>> Well, they are included in other rules. "pit" is not a word in
>> romanians.
> putz

puteus > puts --> short /e/
*putire > putsi = to stink
adj sing./pl. împutzit / împutzitsi, verb infinitive: a putsi,
conjation. put, pute, putsi, putsim, putsitsi, put.

putsin= unknown etymology= " a little"

Miguel, I will reopen this ky/ty story. You got me curious and I will
indeed search all the DEX.