Re: Morphology 19 update

From: tgpedersen
Message: 17051
Date: 2002-12-07

--- In, "Richard Wordingham"
<richard.wordingham@...> wrote:
> --- In cybalist@..., "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> > --- In cybalist@..., Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:
> > > On Fri, 06 Dec 2002 09:16:19 +0100, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...>
> > > wrote:
> > > >Beekes: *h1eg^, *h1egoH, *h1egHom
> > > >Rasmussen: *eg^
> > > >Szemerényi: *ego:, *eg(h)om
> > > >Schmidt (in Pokorny IEW): *eg^hom (n.) < *e- + *-ghe + -om
> > > >Cowgill: *eg^
> > > >Adams/Mallory (EIEC): *h1ég^, emphatic *h1eg^óm
> > > >Adrados: *eg
> > > >Lehmann: *egh
> > >
> > Interesting. Isn't the usual conclusion when one is forced to
> > several different but similar roots that the word must have been
> > borrowed? I think you guys know from where?
> > Torsten
> And how do you propose to get *eg out of Proto-Austric *(a)(n)qu,
> Proto-Austro-Asiatic *(m)(i,a)(n)qu(a)(n), Proto-Austronesian *aku
> Proto-Tai *ku (vowel uncertain)? Moi, I think one would still have
> problem.
> Tai source: Adapted from Fang Kuei Li in light of Gedney's
> observation on vowel alternations and Hayes' Proto-Austric
> reconstruction of the vowel.
> Source for other Austric:
> )
> Richard.

Moi pas compri. I haven't proposed any borrowing from Proto-Austric
or any of the latter proto-s.
As far as I can extract it from "Eden in the East", Oppenheimer
claims three genetic links from SE Asia to MiddleEast/Europe, namely
from, in chronological order

1) New Guinea
2) Orang Asli (Malaaysia)
3) East coast of Borneo

which is therefore where I should concentrate my linguistic link-
demonstrating powers.

Proto-Austronesian "I" is <aku>. And you can't get from (a later
version of) that to *ego:, is that what you're saying? I've seen
linguists perform bolder stunts than that.

In the four weeks worth of Japanese I studied I learnt that pronous
were just ordinary nouns, changing with the occasion. In principle
the Japanese might use a Chinese noun to stand for "ego", "myself".

AfroAsiatic have 1sg and 2sg of the type /anek/, /anti/ (cited by
memory!). Factor out an- and IE forms appear (almost). As for the
latter, Miguel has proposed 2sg derived from the "universal"
demonstrative *te. (I recall late at night asking for directions to
some city out in the country in Poland and I got a long answer, out
of which I managed to extract by General Linguistic Principles "tu
nie!" from which I concluded it was somewhere else. Linguistics is
good for many things).
