Re: [tied] Suffixes and the Glottalic Theory

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 16997
Date: 2002-12-03

On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 09:59:13 -0000, "Richard Wordingham"
<richard.wordingham@...> wrote:

>One of the features of PIE that the glottalic theory claims to
>explain is that plain voiced plosives do not occur in suffixes. How
>valid should we treat this observation, given four counter-examples:
>1. Pronominal neuter singular in -d.
>2. Ablative singular in -d (o-nouns at least).
>3. Root extensions in -d-.
>4. Root extensions in -g-.

I think the claim is to explain the rarity of plained voiced plosives
in grammatical affixes, not their total absence.

Whether the ablative sg. had *-(õ:)t or *-(õ:)d can't be decided with
the evidence at hand, I think. For reasons of symmetry, I prefer to
analyze it as *-õ:t (from *-o-ot), which allows us to reduce the
number of oblique cases in pre-PIE from 5 (G., D., L., I., Ab.) to 3:
a genitive ending in (PD/HD/ST) *-os/*-és/*-s, a D/L ending in
*-(i)/*-é(i)/*-(i) and an I/Ab ending in *-ot/*-ét/*-t (with *-ét >
*-éh1, except in Hittite).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal