Re: [tied] das Wort

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 16917
Date: 2002-11-28

<dvorIba> is unconnected with <govoriti>. It contains the Slavic suffix <-Iba>, as in OCS sluz^Iba 'service' or molIba 'request, prayer' (from the verbs sluz^iti 'serve', moliti 'entreat'). <dvoriti> means 'attend on (sb)' (from <dvorU> 'court'), so <dvorIba> is 'attendance'. If your etymological dictionary is right, then the meaning of <vorba> probably developed from something like 'entertaining, courtly speech' (I hope out resident Romanian linguists can confirm or correct this guess). Not unlikely, given that in many Romance languages the word for 'word' (It. parola, Port. palavra, Sp. palabra) derives from Gk. (--> Lat.) <parabola> 'comparison, analogy' (> 'narrative' > 'speech, word').

Pokorny derives <govoriti> from the root *gou-. I can't see a convincing explanation of the *-or- part, though we have e.g. Gk. goeros 'wailing' < *gow-ero-. If I could propose a plausible Gothic source, I'd be tempted to regard <govoriti> as a loan from East Germanic, like <gonoziti> 'save' < *ga-nazjan. But hypothetical *ga-warjan could only mean 'forbid' or 'warn', and that's a rather far shot from <govoriti>, so pending a flash inspiration that would give me a better idea, I tentatively accept Pokorny's etymology.


----- Original Message -----
From: alexmoeller@...
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] das Wort

Interesting. How is to explain the "r" in the goworitI and the
"r" & "b" in slavic "dvorIba"?.For both roots the w+vowel =
"v" is undoubtly, but the rest are to be seen as sufixes?
Further, if *gow is the root for slavic then "dvorIba" derive
not from *gow or is there to see a change like
*gow>dowo+sufix, sincoping of first "o" and >dwo+sufix?
It doesnt explain the "r" tough, or?