Re: [tied] Re: IE and their dogs : long-haired sheepdogs

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 16897
Date: 2002-11-26

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 10:35:46 +0000, Richard Wordingham
<richard.wordingham@...> wrote:

>I'm now getting confused by what Miguel's reconstruction (n.s.
>*sah2wal, g.s. *sh2[wé|ú][l|n]s) actually means. Is it merely the
>consonant stem form, co-existing with other formations?

Consonant stems are regressive, so generally, if we find a word which
is a consonant stem in only a few languages, but has been extended or
thematized in different ways in most others, it's assumed that it was
originally a consonant stem. Even in the extreme case where the pure
consonant stem has not survived anywhere.

>The suggestion of pre-Germanic -ln- > -nn- bothers me slightly; I
>though we had PIE * 'hill' > Germanic *hulli- (OE hyll, at any
>rate) 'do.', Latin collis 'do.'.

What I said only applies if the *-ln- cluster was pre zero-grade. The
"hill" words are from **qVlH-Vn- or **qVlH-mVn- with some material
originally between the *l and the *n.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal

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