On certain celestial phenomena
From: tgpedersen
Message: 16611
Date: 2002-11-07
Perhaps not quite on topic, but it's been discussed before in
connection with mythology, so:
In 1951 in Ã…rhus a man walking his dog heard a commotion in the sky;
he looked up and saw a firey corkscrew trail. And bam! a 2 kilogram
meteorite slammed into the sidewalk behind him. An artist present on
the scene drew the trail. It looked like a firey snake. Apparently
some small meteorites corkscrew as they fall.
Some meteors are comet debris in orbit around the sun. They might hit
the earth as earth crosses that orbit. One set of meteors are known
as Beta Taurid since they appear to be coming out of Beta Taurus, the
top horn of the constellation Taurus. Is that the reason for the
preoccupation with bull's horns etc?
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