--- In cybalist@..., João Simões Lopes Filho <jodan99@...> wrote:
> Could OE * picga < Brythonic? Perhaps a P-Celtic *pi-, related to
> *k(W)yeu-, cf. Greek sys (<*kius?) Lithuanian kjaule, Latvian cuka
> Czech cune
How plausible is *kyeu-? Pokorny doen't list any roots starting with
ky- or a similar initial cluster.
Could Greek sú:s (as opposed to the regular form hû:s) be an
irregular retention of initial s? Are there other examples of such a
retention, as we see in Brythonic? Is hû:s definitely uncontracted?
The difference in intonation bothers me.
How strong is the evidence that OE <cg> represented [gg] as well as
[dZ]? I'd always understood that <cg> only represented [dZ].
Why OE *picga? Why couldn't the word have been created in Middle
English, by which time English would have 'pork' from French from
Latin porcus.
> PIE *g^hri-s- [piglet] (?) Grk khoiros (<*gHoryos] ON griss (<CG
> Albanian der
In case anyone is wondering, Pokorny has this root as g^hers-, rather
than from g^her- = greedy, scraping, small & other, less appropriate