From: tgpedersen
Message: 16432
Date: 2002-10-19
>*docga "dog" ... connexion with synon LG, early Du. bigge, big, MDu
> ODEngEtym: pig
> ...ME pigge < OE *picga, *pigga, of similar formation to
>*frosc < *frux-ska-z) as well as stag < OE stacga, of which the
> So both unclean SE Asian animals have a sonder-English name,
> similarly derived, for whatever reason. Substrate? But what?
> Similarly, we have Eng. frog < OE frocga (beside forsc, frox <
> Piotr
--- In cybalist@..., João Simões Lopes Filho <jodan99@...> wrote:
> In the case of HOG there's a clear relation to Welsh hwch < *huccos
< *Celtic *succos.
But what do you make of Swedish 'sugga' "sow" then (sorry, I don't
have a Swedish Etym Dict)? Danish instead has 'so' "sow". Perhaps
North Germanic Verschärfung?