From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 16278
Date: 2002-10-15
----- Original Message -----From: alexmoeller@...Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 10:07 PMSubject: Re: [tied] Sardinia
For sure you will smile now, but I make the conection which
has some points which could be very interesting. For instance
we have some paralels like:
-sardoi but we have too thracians examples like:
Sardonis , in the latin form Sardonius
-serdi or sardi, the wellknow tribe which builded the city of
Serdica, actual Sofia
-saldensii as tribe, villages as Serdica, Sardeis ( in the
neighbourship of Callatis),
Just these cognaets will be just coincindeces but we have to
see, there is more as this.
If we take a look at the old ports of Sardinia, we will find
these names for instances:
Bithia, Sulcis, Tharros, Bosa, Olbia
Let see:
Bithia = ancient port in Sardinia
bithus, bitos, bitus, Bithinia, all getic words
Sulcis= ancient port in Sardinia
suci as getic tribe, sucidava as toponym, the pass Succi in
teh valey of Hebrus
Tharros= ancient port in Sadrinia
thracian names like:Tharsas, Turesis and something far, the
tribe of Trausi
Bosa , mm. here i do not find nothing just the whole derivtes
from bessi, but nothing more
For Olbia, we have in getic theritory to an Olbia , but we
know the city from the getic theritory was biulded by
It is interesting to find such cognates. Or maybe there is
something more as just coincindeces.
Olbia= ancient port in Sardinia