From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 15876
Date: 2002-10-02
-----Original Message-----
From: x99lynx@... [mailto:x99lynx@...]
Sent: 2002 m. spalio 2 d. 00:39
Subject: [tied] Bring back the real Piotr>> Wulfila generally transliterated Greek <o>s into Gothic as
<au>. So in Greek perhaps this would read "gotoi" or even "gothoi.")Not in Greek proper. <au> was just that in Old Greek, and began to render [av]~[af] in Middle Greek. The reason Wulfila have chosen <au> for Gothic open [O] is obvious -- Greek <o> was (and still is) a close [o] and the <o>-grapheme didn't seem to fit.Sergei