Re: [tied] that culminates everything

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 15497
Date: 2002-09-15

----- Original Message -----
From: "Piotr Gasiorowski" <piotr.gasiorowski@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] that culminates everything

> Of course -lo- is a common suffix in Slavic, and *sve^tlo is
related to *sve^tU 'light, brightness, the (visible) world',
*svitati 'to dawn' and *sve^titi 'shine'. When you "come into
the world", you "see the light of day".
> May you see the light,
> Piotr

aham.. my I see the light, I wish it too:))
about lume= world
lume, lumesc are the only derivates i know in romanian lume=
world, lumesc= that belong to world.

about lumina= light
lumina, a lumina, luminitza, luminiscent, luminos, luminare,

well, if this is the explanation let it be. We do not have it
in germanic light versus welt and I have no ideea fi there is
in celtic, baltic, or skt or avestan such stuf..But I try to
consolate myself this is just a calque from the slavic
And if for old slavs the light was the world, then let it be

P.S. I gust misstyped again writting slanguage instead of
language which I corrected, of course. But It was born the
question slang<lang. Is slang a composition like "short"
+"language" or what was the basis for appearance of the word