historians about the identity between goths and getae

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 15266
Date: 2002-09-08

I do not use a chronological order here, I just write them
down as information for people wholook for some references.
That is all I know at time about this topic, so if someone get
a help with it , be happy with.If not , just wasting bandwith.
I would like to mention that I did not read all the books here
and if there are some hints wich appears to be false, please
dont blame me for it.Further I should want to say the english
translation is made by me, so the innerant failures have to be
considered too. If someone wannt to be very sure about, he/she
has to look for himself in the mentioned source for being sure


a. moeller

1. Philostorgius (368-425 )
"The scythians behind the Ister who were called in the old
times getae are now known as goths"
In Istoria Eclesiastica Ulfila is a bishop of "getic country"

2. Claudius Claudianus (Panegiric,395 against Rufinus, 396 and
De Bello Gothico 402 ) uses over 50 times getic and only one
time goth.

3.The emperor Julian Apostatus ( 331-363) say about Constantin
II (337-340) " after he defeated the getae he assured us a
solid peace"
4.Ausonius ( 310,395) in one epighram, invokes the emperor
Gratianus (367-383) to "stop the getic Marte", he writting
about getae not about goths
5. Prudentius ( 385 to 405) in "Divinity of Christ" writes
"getae" not goths and Alaric is called by him " the getic
6. Hieronymus (345-420) writes is there a reason to call goths
getae ( 22, pag. 37) (My Note: which should be this reason?)
He also writes: "Et certe gothos omnes retro eruditi magis
Getas quam Gog et Magog appelare consueverunt".
7.Eugenius de Toledo in Carmina XXXIX (Hexastichus de
inventoribus litterarum). 6: "Gulfila (sic) promsit Getarum
quas videmus ultima (sc litteras).(25, pag.165)
8.Carol Lundius in "Zalmosiz , primus getarum legislator
writes: "Nempe unam eandemque Gentem Getas et Gothas fuisse"
10.Bossue in "Discours sur l'histoire universelle, Hacchette,
1883" says "Goths , autrefois appeles les Getaes"(pag. 97)
11 .Quicherat "Thesaurus poeticus linguae latinae" says
"Getes, nation scythique etablie sur le Danube;
posterieurement les Goths"
12 .Eusebius of Caesarea ( 260-340) put the words in the mouth
of Constantine "I ask you Decius..................... to fight
against getaes."( My Note: I dont transalte the whole text
13Andre Thevet ( 1502-1590) franciscan monk in "Cosmographie
Universelle, cap. De la Valachie, Transylvanie , Bulgari et
Servie writes:
"The origin of the people of this country ( my question =
which one?) , so how many authors mean, is the getae , getae
who are called by us, goths."
14. Leibniz "Collectanea etymologica", Hannover 1717 :
Cimmerios & Cimbros, Getaes & Goths, Sacas & Saxones, Dahas &
Dacos eosdem aut cognatum esse, solis nominibus non temere
crediderim (p. 73)
15 Paulo Orosius ( end of the IV century, sec V) wrotte a
"History against pagans" writes "Getae illi qui et nunc Gothi,
I 16,2)
16 Bonaventura Vulcanius writes in 1597 "De literis et lingua
Getarum sive gothorum"
17. Nicolao Petreio in a book from 1695 writes:
a) getaes autem gothos postea nominatos esse non dubium
b) qui progressi tenuerunt eam regionem, quae nunc
Valachia dicitur
c) et Philippus I Chron I dicit Getas postea Gothus
d) Getis Gothes nominatos non dubium est.
18 Procopius in "About Wars" III 2,2 "Teh gothic nations have
been and are today in a big number... but, from all the
importants are goths, vandlas, vizigoths and gepidae. Long
time ago they were called sarmatians and melanhlenis from
some people, other people called them getic folks.All of them
are Arians ( My Note:religion therm here where arian < Arius)
have the same language and that is called now gothic language.
I belive they have all the same origin and later they became
known about the chiefs they have had.This folk inhabited in
the ancient times the another part of Ister ( My Note: sure
the north part of Ister if Procopius = byzantine=south part of
19. Carlo Troya writes:
Il mio scopo principalissimo .. si divideva in due punti:
a) Di mostrare , che i Geti di Zalmoxi e di Decebalo
furono i progenitori de Goti di Teodorico e degli Amali.
b) Di porre in chiarezza, che quella razza Getica o Gotica
fu diversa dalla germanica.

At the ideea goths=getae subscribed persons like Messenius,
Boxhorn, Loccen, Sheringham, Hachenberg to give some examples.