Re: Piotr and the Dacians :-)

From: George S t a n a
Message: 15214
Date: 2002-09-06

>[Horned viper in Mehedinti and Caras?

Yes. "Dictionarul Enciclopedic Român" (1966):

"Vipera cu corn (Vipera ammodytes) [...]
La noi, traieste in ___Banat, Oltenia, Hunedoara___
si Dobrogea. [...]"

So, not only in Banat (it's there where Cara$-Severin
is) and neighbouring Mehedintzi (in Oltenia), but
also in the Hatzeg Country (namely in the Hunedoara
county), i.e. the southern region of the Apuseni
Mountains (West Carpathians).
