From: George S t a n a
Message: 15083
Date: 2002-09-04
> >O-:I have read that the Rumanian dialect isoglosses show evidenceThose are subdialects, not dialects. Compared to Romania's (incl.
> >that Rumania was settled recently.
> >
> >Highly recommend not spending any more money on this man's
> >books until he has spent some time here.
>Can't comply. I haven't spent any yet. I think I read the remark in
>a review in one of the learned journals, possibly 'Word'. It would
>have been a review of a book describing the various varieties
>of 'Moldavian'. I remember the reviewer was very angry that anyone
>thought it made sense to consider 'Moldavian' dialects a coherent
>group, for they are a continuation of the Romanian dialects of
>Unfortunately, educating Alex is hard going. It doen't seem to haveWell, dentists always say that wisdom teeth tend to cause
>occurred to him to wonder how the outcome of dent- 'tooth' taken from
>a non-Latin source was going to differ from the outcome of Latin
>de:ns, dent- 'tooth'.